Berk Wiper ChemWipe® Econo Bucket Wiper Dispensing System - 6" x12"

Berk Wiper ChemWipe® Econo Bucket Wiper Dispensing System - 6" x12"


  • The Mighty Wipe[R] material, made from a cellulose and synthetic base, has excellent strength and absorbency with low lint properties.
  • Ideal material for heavy-duty cleaning, wiping, degreasing and surface prep
  • Wipers Only for the ChemWipe[R] Bucket Wiper Dispensing System
  • 6" x 12" x 180, 1/2 folded sheets, 6 rolls, perfed
6" x 12", 6/180/cs
Manufacturers Item #CHEMWIPE-180-ECON